Changes at Violet Sky
Hello everyone I thought I should write to let you know about the changes happening at Violet Sky. T-Emerald has been our Head since the beginning and given so much of her time, knowledge and expertise to the site. Her light and love has been felt by everyone who has ever visited the site and is a true friend to many. We understand that she now feels it is time to step aside and spend more time on matters closer to home but I hope we will still see her from time to time in the rooms. I have been talking with a few T's and have appointed T-Supersonic as our New Head with T-Annie and T-MooCowMe as deputy Heads. As valued members I hope you will give them all the help and support you can, especially during the transition. I know you will all join with me in saying thank you to Emerald for everything she has done and wishing the new team every success in taking the site forward into 2023. Thank you, RobertPaul Principal.
Hello everyone, We have had a few changes again here at Violet Sky and T-Supersonic has stepped down as head due to other commitments and T-Annie taken on the role with T-Janet joining T-MooCowMe as Deputy Head.
We hope to bring more productive changes to the site and welcome your feedback so please keep your support coming and we look forward to a busy 2024 with more visitors and members.
Thak you, RobertPaul Principal